After years of passion for music, starting as a DJ and later a music maker, the spark of art took over as a new passion.
The first steps were working with pouring, playing with texture and colors and experimenting with mixed arts of image and paint.
The contemporary works are more abstract and try to create depth and tension with earth tones or my passion for the sea incorporated into different textures.
Acryl on canvas framed - 200 x 100 cm
Acryl on canvas 100 x 150 cm framed
Acryl on canvas and gold framed 100 x 150 cm
150x100 cm framed
100 x 150 cm
Acryl on canvas - 200 x 10 cm
Acrilic on canvas & Gold - 100 x 150 cm
100 x 150 cm Mixe techniek on canvas framed
mix techniek acrylic on canvas - 100 x 150 cm
150 x 100 cm
Visit our gallery or reach out to explore art's enchantment
Thursday till Sunday
from 11 AM - 6 PM