
Born to a family of artists, the lively and expressive paintings of Julie Rovira known as Pitu capture the creative outlook she has harbored since her childhood. Born in Martigues, Pitu began painting at a young age, drawn to the freedom she found in artistic expression. Her self-taught style draws inspiration from abstract art to neo-expressionism to create a unique approach, placing her work as a notable part of the art brutmovement. Working with vivid colors, dynamic patterns, and expressive characters, Pitu creates a universe where her bold and inquisitive personality is free to explore.

Often posing questions to herself when beginning a new work about the nature of life and our world, Pitu uses the visual medium of painting as both a psychological and intellectual exercise. A prolific painter with a sizable body of work, Pitu’s blend of raw painting with philosophical inspiration has gained her a quickly growing following.

Taking an experimental approach to her artistic process, Pitu isn’t beholden to any single medium, instead mixing a variety of mediums, like acrylic, oil pastel, spray paint, and Indian ink. Her exploratory approach uses an intuitive, spontaneous method.

Pitu often lets the first few splashes of color and hints of pattern guide where she takes a work, always prioritizing free and natural expression. Pitu lives and works from her home in Collioure in the Pyrénées Orientales of France.

Art by Pitu

Artwork from Pitu

Artwork from Pitu

130 x 150 cm - Acryl on beton framed



160 x 160 cm - Acryl on canvas framed

Pris sur le Fiat

Pris sur le Fiat

114 x 162 cm - Acryl on canvas Resine Framed

Les Magiciens

Les Magiciens

120 x120 cm Framed - Acryl on canvas resine

Collection Tête

Collection Tête

100 x 100 cm Framed - Acryl on canvas resine



100 x 100 cm framed - Acryl on canvas resine

Béton armé

Béton armé

130 x 150 cm Framed - Acryl on beton vernis

Béton Street

Béton Street

130 x 150 cm Framed - Acryl on beton vernis

Le Jazz

Le Jazz

160 x 160 cm

Red Head

Red Head

120 x 120 cm



120 x 120 cm



100 x 100 cm Framed

Le Toreador

Le Toreador

115 x 162 cm Framed



160 x 160 cm



160 x 120 cm

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